Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium and Magnesium Plant
Joint-Stock Company

Assem Mamutova

Assem Mamutova

President of UKTMP JSC

UKTMP JSC is one of the largest vertically integrated industrial enterprises in the world, which includes all technological steps from the extraction of raw materials to the production of finished products. The production structure of UKTMP JSC includes 5 main and 6 auxiliary workshops, as well as subsidiaries and joint ventures. The plant products are certified by all world aerospace companies. Kazakhstani titanium occupies 11% of the world market, 18% of the titanium market in the aerospace industry, is used in shipbuilding, medicine, oil and chemical industries. The partners of UKTMP JSC are such companies as Boeing, Airbus, Nippon Steel, SNECMA, General Electric and many others.


The most important capital for the plant has always been and remains people. The creators of Kazakhstan titanium are unique specialists dedicated to their job. To be an employee of UKTMP JSC means to be a professional of the highest level. In our team, you will find the most ambitious challenges and projects of an international level that will expand your professional horizons, real prospects for personal and career growth, continuous training and development, social support programs, and most importantly - a feeling of involvement in an important common activity that is significant for the Republic of Kazakhstan and the whole world. We help people to take a step beyond possibilities!


Shares of UKTMP JSC  listed on the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange


11% UKTMP titanium in the world

18% UKTMP share in the aerospace industry



100% of titanium products are exported to highly developed countries: the USA, Great Britain, France, South Korea, China and India


We provide each employee of UKTMP JSC with a decent life, personal development, meaningful work and the opportunity to be proud of its results
Seitkazin Esbol Armiyanovich

Seitkazin Esbol Armiyanovich

Head of shop No. 1
Seitkazin Esbol Armiyanovich
Seitkazin Esbol Armiyanovich
Head of shop No. 1
Kadyrov Aslan Kadyrovich

Kadyrov Aslan Kadyrovich

Head of shop No. 2
Kadyrov Aslan Kadyrovich
Kadyrov Aslan Kadyrovich
Head of shop No. 2
Tuktiev Zhazylbek Dulatovich

Tuktiev Zhazylbek Dulatovich

Acting head of shop No. 3
Tuktiev Zhazylbek Dulatovich
Tuktiev Zhazylbek Dulatovich
Acting head of shop No. 3
Damir Bekmukhambetovich Karmenov

Damir Bekmukhambetovich Karmenov

Head of shop No. 12
Damir Bekmukhambetovich Karmenov
Damir Bekmukhambetovich Karmenov
Head of shop No. 12
Zhakupov Yerlan Askenovich

Zhakupov Yerlan Askenovich

Head of shop No. 14
Zhakupov Yerlan Askenovich
Zhakupov Yerlan Askenovich
Head of shop No. 14
The teacher continues in his pupil

The teacher continues in his pupil

UKTMP pays special attention to a healthy lifestyle. For many years, there have been many sections in the sports hall of the Combine for employees, their children and all residents of t...
With the help of the elders

With the help of the elders

The young generation of UKTMK employees is the real driving force of the Plant. The hard work of the youth, their willingness to use non-standard approaches and actively implement innov...
Career path from operator to technologist

Career path from operator to technologist

Many people already know the name of Sungat Tursunzhanov, because he was repeatedly the host of festive events, took part in a Comprehensive Sports Contest and was the physiologist of w...
Innovation - to school

Innovation - to school

The grand opening of a modern computer science classroom took place at the sponsored school No. 23
We are preparing a decent shift

We are preparing a decent shift

УКТМК на протяжении многих десятилетий остается предприятием, где трудятся настоящие профессионалы своего дела. И несмотря на любые перемены в стране и в мире, Комбинат остается тем мес...
Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium and Magnesium Combine JSC

Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholde...

Акционерное общество «Усть-Каменогорский титано-магниевый комбинат» (далее – АО «УКТМК» или Общество) в соответствии со статьей 35, пунктом 1 и подпунктом 1) пункта 3 статьи 37 и статье...
ATTENTION TO THE SHAREHOLDERS  of Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium and Magnesium Plant JSC!


We kindly inform you of the voting results at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders held on September 28, 2022.
Notification about holding Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium and Magnesium Plant JSC

Notification about holding Extraordinary General M...

Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium and Magnesium Plant Joint Stock Company (hereinafter – UKTMP JSC or the Company) in accordance with Article 35, paragraph 2 subparagraph 1) and paragraph 3 subp...


We are announcing the results of voting at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on July 14, 2022.